



Kudus  regency is one district in Central Java province. Kudus is situated 51 km to the north of Semarang. In the north, Kudus bordering  Jepara and Pati, on the south by Grobogan and Pati. East by Pati regency, West bordering with Demak and Jepara. The layout is astronomically at 110 36'-110 50 'E and 6 51'-7 16' LS. Located at an average altitude of ± 55 m above sea level. Most of the district is the kudus lowlands. Most are mountainous northern region (Muria Mountain), with the peak of Mount Sutorenggo (1,602 meters), Mount Rahtawu (1,522 meters), and Mount Argojembangan (1,410 meters). Attack is the largest river Kali flowing to the west, limiting the Demak Kudus.
The administration consists of 9 subdistricts of town, Kaliwungu, Teak, Undaan, Mejobo, Jekulo, Gebog, Bae and Dawe. The total amounted to 124 rural villages. In the past nine districts are divided into 3 Kawedanan each Kawedanan oversees several districts. Third Kawedanan it is the Kudus  Kawedanan, Cendono, Tenggeles. Kudus Kawedanan include City, Teak and Undaan, Kawedanan Cendono includes Bae, Gebog, Dawe and Kaliwungu, Kawedanan Tenggeles includes Jekulo and Mejobo. 
Kudus city known as clove cigarettes because many factories that stood in the Kudus, such as Djarum, Breadfruit, Nojorono, Jambu Bol, langsep and many small cigarette factories numbering in the tens of others. PT Djarum become the largest tobacco companies here with superior products such as Djarum Super, Djarum Black and Djarum Black Slimz. Smoking is what sustains the Kudus city's economy and also absorb a lot of labor. As the city's largest cigarette producer in Indonesia, there is a Kudus Kretek Museum. Kudus  Mosque minaret built in the 16th century, this building has a blend of Javanese architecture, Hinduism, and Islam. In the Kudus tomb also contained two Walisongo (propagator of Islam in Java), namely Sunan Kudus (Kudus city) and Sunan Muria (Colo. area, 19 miles north of the kudus City). Another tourist attraction in the Kudus of them: Muria Mountain (Colo.), Niagara Monthel, Rahtawu, Kinder Garten, and a replica of the minaret. Kudus typical building known as the Kudus  gebyog.

Tourist places in the Kudus. The clove city has quite a lot of tourist attraction. If we want religious tourism, has two tombs Sunan Kudus and Sunan Muria. There are also miscellaneous other attractions such as nature tourism, historical tourism and culinary tourism course. Here are some of the attractions in the Kudus.
1.      Menara Kudus Kudus city icon is a holy tower called the tower. This tower complex located in the Al - Aqsa. Indeed Mosque al - aqsa less well known among the people Kudus. The more famous mosque mosque mosque towers Kudus possible because this is a tower that high historical value, exotic and unique.
2.      Makam Sunan Muria

Tomb of Sunan Muria. One Walisongo named Sheikh Sa'id R.Umar or which is known as Sunan Muria is buried in the village Colo., district. Dawe. Located approximately 18 km from the city center. It's located on top of a hill in the village and was a mosque complex with Sunan Muria For the visitor who wants a pilgrimage to the grave of Sunan Muria had to walk about 500 meters through the steps. For those who do not want to tired to walk up to the top of the hill, visitors can choose a motor driven motorcycles.On the way to the grave of Sunan Muria, visitors were treated to some souvenir stalls, by the by, and a variety of snacks. In the mosque complex, we can see some historical relics such as building mosques joglo roofed, three-story wood and shingle-roofed, four-pole foundation of the mosque and a drum that was made in 1834.
3.      Montel waterfall. This waterfall is located at the Tomb of Sunan Muria area. After completion of pilgrimage we could enjoy the cool water at the waterfall Montel. The waterfall is about 25 meters high smoothly. We can visit the waterfall Monthel 30 minutes by foot from the grave of Sunan Muria. We can also choose to visit the motorcycle taxi service to Montel. We can play and enjoy the fresh water in that place. There is a large stone that adds to the beauty of the waterfall.
4.      Kretek kretekMuseum museum.

 Kretek Museum is located in the village of Brittle Housing, District Jati, Kudus, about 3 km from the Kudus City, which opened on October 3, 1986, this museum houses a miraculous cigarette-making equipment and klobot, some photos and a history of smoking in the Kudus diorama that demonstrate the process manufacture of cigarettes. In this museum complex also contained Joglo house is a traditional Javanese house. Traditional houses made ​​in 1828 AD, built with high quality teak wood with nails without disassembly system.
5.      Travel Obyek Colo. This tourist attraction is located on the slopes of Mount Moriah. Beautiful views of the hills in the mountains muria very suitable for us who want to get bored with the atmosphere of the city. Colo is located at an altitude of 1,602 meters above sea level has a cool atmosphere and natural.
6.      Colo Kajar campsites are also located in the pine forest, 3 km to the south of Colo tourist attraction, precisely in the village of the District Kajar  Dawe Kudus. Kajar area is a location that is normally used for camping and hiking activities (camp and cruising terrain or cross-country), good for students, scouts, and teenagers in general.
7.      Rahtawu. Rahtawu is a village name. Rahtawu village is a village located in the district. Gebog, Kab. Kudus. Rahtawu village is one of the tourist village on the slopes of Mount Moriah. We can go to the location of the village Rahtawu by driving motorcycles or cars. But it is recommended to use a motorcycle just because the path is rather narrow. Rahtawu located at an altitude of 1,627 masl. We can enjoy the mountain atmosphere with the cool and fresh air are still slightly affected by pollution. In addition we can look at the beautiful scenery on the way to a typical mountain village Rahtawu. In Rahtawu we could try a bath in the river is still crystal clear stone decorated. In addition we can visit some monastery buildings.
8.      patiayamMuseum site Patiayam site. Patiayam site is one of the attractions of ancient nuances contained in the Holy Terban located in the Village, District Jekulo. We can see ancient elephant tusks, molars of Homo Erectus, etc.. Site Patiayam including one hominid sites in Java Plestosin period. The belle of this site is Stegodon Trigonochepalus patiayam or so-called ancient elephant.
9.      Wisata water-three-rasa Natural Rajenu. Rejenu Nature is located at Argo Jembangan Mountains, Mount Moriah, we can enjoy the beautiful view of the mountains and biodiversity and wildlife in the area. In this region there is also a Three Flavor Water Resources eyes water has three flavors, which is said to have different properties, and if mixed taste will be fresh.
10.  waterboom glorious Majesty wisataWaterboom Tourism. Located at the Kudus Way-Colo, kilometer 12, the village of Lau, District Bae, Kudus District. Waterboom this is the only vehicle that is in Holy water newly opened in 2011. There are a variety of water rides like a big bucket, lazy river, and a standard pool. If you do not want to play water, we could also try an ATV or just fishing. There is also a mini-market, food stalls, canteens and various fruits and juices. So do not worry and bother bringing lunch from home. Waterboom is open from 08.00 to 17.00 every day.

Kudus Culinary

Hunting culinary food is never ending, every city is always to showing his trademark respectively. Although essentially the same, the mix of flavors and still occupies its own position when eaten. So also when we visited the Kudus city, here there is a shop which is quite famous chicken soup and of course be one of the destinations for those who have a culinary hobby.
1.    Soto Ayam Pak Denuh
Enterprises under the name "Mr. Soto Ayam Denuh" was pioneered by (the late) Mr. Denuh since 1949, and is now managed by Mr.. Tarman, BA as his son. In a serving of chicken soup contains white rice is added bean sprouts, shredded cabbage and celery, shredded chicken meat, onion and garlic fries. Then watered slightly turbid yellow sauce, because the sauce is manggunakan coconut milk. If you do not like the straight laced, we can ask that the rice separated. For chickens, this shop uses only free-range chicken.

On the table is also provided various appendages, no quail egg satay, cakes, scallop satay, satay gizzard liver, lung and many others. The shop began serving buyers every day starting at 8 am until 10 pm. Soto Ayam Denuh pack can be found on the road AKBP Agil Kusumadya with a fairly spacious and comfortable. This chicken soup also has branches in the area near the Bojana Park plaza and bus terminal in the

2.      Garang Asam RM Sari Rasa

Eating Sari Rasa is located on the Agilkusumadya,, right across from the Foundation for the Kudus Pilgrims. The house is on the left eating the highway with a large parking area, can be parked in the side or in front of the restaurant. Fairly easy to find location, great building with a dominant green color. In addition, the restaurant is also equipped with a fairly large sign board and its location is on the main road towards the Kudus of Demak, or vice versa.

There are several menus available in the restaurant, but for the menu ferocious acid which became a favorite of the visitors. And fierce acid also makes Eating Sari Rasa became known to the other cities in Indonesia. The average visitor always order menu ferocious acid, so do not be surprised if when it comes servants just ask any number of orders or drink. There are 3 types of ferocious acid available in the restaurant, there is fierce sour chicken, bowel and chicken scratch. That afternoon we prefer fierce sour chicken. No need to wait too long, fierce acid wrapped in banana leaves and steaming has been presented in the above table. Portion size is big enough, it is enough to be enjoyed if 2 people. When the package is opened, the aroma is very tempting, sliced ​​green tomatoes, green peppers and garlic wrap chicken pieces were quite small but many. After tasting clear liquid, there is a sense of sour, spicy and refreshing, soft flesh like dipresto.

In addition to fierce acid, this restaurant also provides several other menus, no idea mix, fried chicken, tofu eggs, rice Rames chicken, meat, eggs and opportunistic. Also quite tasty fried chicken, chicken meat marinade is absorbed and feels soft. Unfortunately the fried chicken we've exhausted tercicipi message when we are aware have not had time to take pictures. Aroma and appearance of fried chicken very tempting indeed make us forget ourselves. Usually this restaurant started meyani visitors every day from 7 am to 9 pm. But for acid ferocious menu available starting around 10 am and before 7 pm usually have run out of this menu.

3.    Toko Sinar 33 “Jenang Mubarok”
the shop which is a 33-rays MUBAROK head jamb. Its location is in  Sunan Muria. No. 33, Kudus. To reach the location is very convenient, from Simpang 7 grab the Kudus north toward direct Sunan Muria Road, the location of the shop is on the left. Porridge is one of the typical souvenirs from the Kudus City. While Jenang Mubarok porridge itself is one of the most popular among the public, not only in the Kudus city, but peredarannnya covered all provinces in Indonesia to overseas, such as Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia and some other countries.
Based on the information we have received, at the beginning of this effort was pioneered around 1910 by partner H. Mabruri and Hj. User Opinions on Kaliputu village. And now, followed by future generations through PT. Mubarokfood Copyright Delicia. While the store is a 33-rays MUBAROK porridge sales center. Although it started with porridge, as time goes by and the times, then created several variations of porridge diverse flavors. For example, the taste of strawberry, durian, milk, cappuccino, mocha and wine. All attractively packaged with varying sizes, ranging from packaging sachet, deluxe, edition of Eid, bali edition, plain box or carton, cardboard packaging bag to pack (small, medium, large).
 In addition to sacred porridge MUBAROK, there is also a MUBAROK lunkhead who also has a variety of flavors, such as chocolate, tiramisu, raisins, ginger milk and seaweed. All kinds of porridge and lunkhead can last up to 6 months. Variations dodolnya porridge and indeed quite a lot, but for this time we tried porridge original, mocha and chocolate lunkhead. Despite the wide sense, but the original remains the dominant flavor, good for jenangnya and dodolnya.

Kudus Kulon society especially in the area around the mosque tower is a merchant community of students who have a strong character. Their main livelihood as traders or businessmen, they are followers of Islam are relatively puritanical with the central figure Sunan Kudus. Social bond between them was strong and somewhat closed to the outside masyarat. Cultural character of the community is reflected in the environmental proxies. Both the scale house, group home or environment. As Rapoport said that the house as a primary element of the settlement is the result of a community that works together in a very physical expression of social factors influenced the culture of the community (Rapoport, 1963). Display of traditional architecture of the Kudus perhaps is one of the interesting custom in Indonesia, the pattern of group homes with unique orientation and achievement, as well as the existence of the mosque as a center of activity.

Teachings of the Sunan
Kudus relatively more puritanical with activities forbidden mystical and envious. Among the people of the Kudus Kulon never at all organized activities deemed leather puppet incorporate many elements of Hindu and belief. While the puppet is a powerful tool for Sunan Kalijaga to spread the teachings of Islam. Up to this point in terms of people's religious Sacred kulon feel as fanatical Islamists Islamists while others called the Islam abangan (Sardjono, 1997). One of the community orientation Kudus pilgrimage and if capable of being religious leaders (scholars) and set up a boarding school after returning from the Kudus land. Hajj degree is a degree is a dream of every respectable Muslim scholars in the Kudus Haj over again. Hajj peaks embodiment implementation pillars of Islam while Kiai represents the high immunization of human beings to be carried on each other. In society there is a Kudus Jigang expression which is short of the Koran (Koran) and trade (trade). Koran is read, learn and study the Koran, a charity that leads to the glory of life in the Hereafter (Ukhrowi). Koran also implies the primacy of a Muslim in studying science. Trade is a practice that leads to the glory of living in the world, with regard to the relationship between man and his neighbor. For Muslims there should be a balance between the goals and objectives in the world hereafter. Historical experience gives the assumption that the behavior of the Kudus society, wealth and a strong belief in Islam distinguish them from the outside community. This attitude has made them militants, closed and less like a government official. They become independent traders, with frugal living, clever and deftly makes them a great opportunity to become rich people. Their closure to the outside community as well based on their suspicion that outsiders will be eyeing their property. Among the people have a custom to marry off their children with people of their own environment, among other possessions so that they do not flow out. Embryonic development of the region Kudus Kulon Kudus city is located in the vicinity of the mosque tower, which contain Kauman village, Kajaksan and Langgardalem


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