
Showing posts from September, 2014


KUDUS DESCRIPTION By SULFIANA   MUFIDAH KANDANGMAS   RT2/12   DAWE   KUDUS   ENGLISH CAURSE IN BLK 2014 KUDUS GEOGRAPHI Kudus   regency is one district in Central Java province. Kudus is situated 51 km to the north of Semarang. In the north, Kudus bordering   Jepara and Pati, on the south by Grobogan and Pati. East by Pati regency, West bordering with Demak and Jepara. The layout is astronomically at 110 36'-110 50 'E and 6 51'-7 16' LS. Located at an average altitude of ± 55 m above sea level. Most of the district is the kudus lowlands. Most are mountainous northern region (Muria Mountain), with the peak of Mount Sutorenggo (1,602 meters), Mount Rahtawu (1,522 meters), and Mount Argojembangan (1,410 meters). Attack is the largest river Kali flowing to the west, limiting the Demak Kudus. The administration cons...

MAKALAH Daya Ikat Norma Hukum Islam Hasil Ijtihad

MAKALAH Daya Ikat Norma Hukum Islam Hasil Ijtihad Diajukan untuk memenuhi tugas Mata Kuliah   Ushul Fiqih Dosen Pembimbing :   Drs. H. Yasin, M. Ag Disusun Oleh   : Kelompok 3 Nama : 1. Siti Fatim a h                                     (1310110067) 2. Sulfiana Mufidah                             (1310110068) 3. Djesica Maharani Haryanto             (1310110069) 4. Anas Zakariya                                  (1310110070) SEKO...